Yellow submarine cartoon paul
Yellow submarine cartoon paul

yellow submarine cartoon paul

The Dreaded: It's the most deadly enforcer of the Chief, entrusted with the most vital tasks, and it's very telling that upon its defeat, that the Blue Meanies lose their resolve to fight, retreating for their lives.It also counts as a Dragon-in-Chief as its far more physically dangerous than the Chief and the fact its defeat is what causes the Blue Meanies to retreat.

yellow submarine cartoon paul

  • The Dragon: The Chief's top enforcer and the most deadly of the fighters.
  • The Dreadful Flying GloveThe Chief's top enforcer and a flying glove with a dreadful personality.
  • Vile Villain, Saccharine Show: Pepperland is a sweet colorful paradise of fun, but the Chief Blue Meanie is horrifyingly effective in sucking the soul out of it.
  • Took a Level in Kindness: Initially being abusive and cruel to Max, once he decides to befriend the Beatles, he becomes much softer towards him.
  • Suddenly Shouting: He can go from softly whispering to screaming in an instant.
  • Soft-Spoken Sadist: Half of his dialogue is whispered softly and gently, despite his deeds being just as evil as when he's raging.
  • Sissy Villain: He often talks very campy and effeminately.
  • Psychopathic Manchild: He throws childish temper tantrums when things don't go his way.
  • Laughably Evil: Practically every scene he's in drips with comedy.
  • Large and in Charge: In comparison to the other Blue Meanies, the chief is about twice their height.
  • Kick the Dog: His abuse of his loyal underling Max, who's also the nicest of the meanies.
  • Heel≯ace Turn: Once Pepperland is restored by the Beatles music, and after being humiliatingly decorated with roses by Jeremy, the Chief accepts John's offer of friendship, deciding that if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: It really doesn't take much to get a reaction out of this guy.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: He seems to treat the Dreadful Flying Glove like he would a pet dog.
  • The Chief can go from soft-spoken to hollering at the top of his lungs at the drop of a dime.
  • Evil Is Hammy: Good lord, does he fit this to a T.
  • Faux Affably Evil: He often puts on a gentle and friendly demeanor, but it's all an act, as his Hair-Trigger Temper shows.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: After Jeremy eliminates him as a threat, the Chief goes through a Heel≯ace Turn and becomes friendly with Jeremy.
  • Big Bad: He's the one who leads the Blue Meanies to attack Pepperland.
  • Ambiguously Gay: It's hard to tell whether he's supposed to be Camp Gay or an Evil Aristocrat type, since there's a fine line between camp and effete.
  • This makes them shockingly closer to Mooks in video games several decades before the medium surfaced.Ĭhief Blue Meanie Voiced by: Paul AngelisLeader of the Meanies.
  • Ur-Example: The Blue Meanies are a rare example of an antagonistic force that prominently features various types of Mooks of all shapes and sizes alongside the standard foot soldiers, all sharing one or two identifying visual traits associated with their faction.
  • Granted, "Blue Meanies" does sound better than "Purple Meanies." Interestingly, apparently the Blue Meanies were originally planned to be a different color, like red or purple it was an accident that they turned out blue. blueish? You don't look blueish." Production supervisor John Coates claims this moment was meant as commentary on the stereotypical casting of Jewish actors as villains.
  • Space Jews: Strangely, they are both A Nazi by Any Other Name and this trope.
  • Hence the joke where the Chief Blue Meanie moans about where they could go since they were defeated, and Max suggests "Argentina?" The Chief also invokes Today, X.

    yellow submarine cartoon paul

    A Nazi by Any Other Name: The Blue Meanies.

    yellow submarine cartoon paul

    Fun-Hating Villain: What seems to be their primary motivation for wanting to turn Pepperland "Blue".The Blue Meanies are.well, blue, and not a lot of them are what you'd call pleasant. If you listen closely, John's explanation eventually devolves into some kind of recipe note It sounds like a recipe for scrambled eggs, which was, according to legend, the working title for "Yesterday." The other characters promptly laugh it off and attempt to bash open their glass prison while he's still talking. Technobabble: In a parody of his tendency towards profound pronouncements, Lennon's character attempts to explain the uncanny resemblance between themselves and Sgt.Know-Nothing Know-It-All: He frequently says that weird things the Beatles see relates to Einstein's Theory of Relativity, but never properly explains how, with his "scientific" commentary usually devolving into nonsense.But after he drinks some sort of serum, he turns to normal, and says that he's just had the strangest dream. Frankenstein's Monster: For unexplained reasons, when the others come across him in Ringo's house, he looks like Frankenstein's monster.

    Yellow submarine cartoon paul